Does yoga injures you?
As Yoga is powerful to bring up the inner you, it is as important as to do it correctly. If you do asanas wrong you will end up hurting yourself. Yes, it is true that if you are not doing an alternate asana or if you are not taking enough rest between asanas or if you are doing some asanas without knowing their effects on your body can affect you.
Every and every pose has to be properly done under suitable surveillance from a Guru during the initial days of practice. The next important thing is if you feel any stress in your body while you are attempting asana, you should stop the pose at that point and then have to relax deeply. The benefit of any asana will be obtained fully while you are deeply concentrating your thoughts in your body and breath consciously. This is the main reason for harmonizing your breath in every posture. Yoga asanas should be done slowly to carefully monitor how your body allows you to attempt the poses. So that while you are getting any stress in your body can be identified and can relax from it.
There are many misconceptions about asanas and these leads to severe damage to your body. I am visiting them one by one.
Not everyone can do all the asanas
Yoga is for anyone as there are many postures that could help you to ease yourself. But not all asanas can be performed by everyone. Essentially there are a set of asanas the pregnant women should not do, asana like full-length leg stretch. There is a set of asanas a heart patient should not try(like the headstand). Also, heavy breathing exercises should not be taught to an asthma patient and many more. For every asana, there is an alternate form that is halfway to that pose which can be done so as to get minimal benefits. These considerations have to be taken care of before you start asanas.
Asana posture for a long time is bad
A woman of 42 was one of the worst examples. She dozed off in the Seated Forward Bend. She felt her legs numb and weak when she woke up. Her legs had been paralysed due to injury to her sciatic nerves, according to a medical team. After three months of therapy, the patient regained "some sensation," according to the investigators.
Even during normal sleep, you will change your position so that your body will properly get the required blood supply and oxygen intake. If someone fails it and sleeps in an unnatural position that can block the blood flow to their spine, this could even lead to paralysis.
This is a pure misconception that if you are in a pose for a long time knowingly or unknowing will be of good. It is a big mistake, none can be in the same pose very long time. The same applies to the asana postures, one should not stay for a long time in any pose. The tolerance differs from person to person and is also based on your practice too. Your pose can extend as long as your body allows, yoga is a tool to connect you to your body. So if your body needs rest, please relax from the pose as the way you slowly came to that pose.
Modern asanas and Yogis
In yoga asanas modern form, many poses have been practised for fewer than 150 years. There were only a few hundred poses in the original Hatha Yoga, compared to hundreds or even thousands in today's yoga varieties. There are a lot of yoga poses nowadays that are just made up with no regard to the effects they will have on their bodies. Even though every pose can be mentioned as asana, one should know its implications before attempting it.
In the name of yoga, people often perform things that aren't yoga. In many institutes, you can become a Yoga trainer after a 200-hour training programme. There's a general understanding that yoga should only be practised under the guidance of a qualified instructor from a genuine lineage, as otherwise, it can lead to major health problems.
A qualified yoga trainer should understand your health condition and suggests suitable asanas. He should be able to bring ease to your body by giving proper instructions. A yogi is he who could take you to a different perspective of your body while a guided relaxation(Majorly during Savasana). A yogi knows about the effects of each asana their alternate asana and their benefits, finally, he knows which student can do which asana.
Finally, Yoga asanas will be bad for you if you do it wrong. If you drive a car wrong bad things could happen to you. Most people don’t know how to drive their vehicles and remain unhealthy. Yoga is a roadmap to a healthy life once done properly. sadly society doesn’t help either with all the stupid pictures of various and weird yoga poses and how it’s also sexualized. People think that is Yoga and that’s just not the truth.
And of course just to top it Yoga is more than physical posture’s. I’ve been doing his practice since I was ten so I can vouch that this practice works for me and others as I teach how to do it properly for longevity.
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